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Scientific reports from OSI-PANTHERA expeditions

Please find to follow the end of season scientific reports for each surveyed area. Voir descriptif détaillé

Scientific reports from OSI-PANTHERA expeditions

Please find to follow the end of season scientific reports for each surveyed area. Voir descriptif détaillé

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During our expeditions, we collect a variety of information on Kyrgyz wildlife:
- signs of snow leopard presence,
- samples of snow leopard faeces for genetic analysis,
- placing and monitoring camera traps to photo-ID snow leopards,
- taking notes from direct observation of prey,
- noting signs of presence and observation of other predators.
These form the basis of seasonal reports for each surveyed area.

For several years we have been producing detailed scientific reports on the traces of snow leopards, summarising all data and observations collected over the course of our expeditions.

Please note that the scientific reports produced at the beginning of the calendar year contain a variety of sensitive information about all local species. For this reason, we can send them on request, but we do not publish them online.
Contact us at: direction osi-panthera.org.

Le Projet

Please find to follow the different reports available:


Wildlife monitoring in Sarychat-Eertash State Nature Reserve (Kyrgyzstan) - 2007 - 2024
Sarychat 2007 - 2024
Мониторинг Дикой природы Сарычат - Ээрташского заповедника (Кыргызстан)
Мониторинг Сарычат - Ээрташского 2007-2024


Wildlife monitoring in Sarychat-Ertash State Nature Reserve - Kyrgyzstan - 2022
Report Sarychat 2022

Nous avons également rédigé un rapport sur des véhicules non autorisés traversant la réserve (rapport transmis à une organisation kirghize assermentée) et sur la catastrophe climatique arrivée début juin. En effet, en 3 jours les Hauts Plateaux kirghizes ont été recouverts de 1,50 à 1,80 cm de neige qui a mis plus d’une semaine à disparaître, privant ainsi les ongulés sauvages et le bétail d’alimentation. De nombreux animaux sont mort mais aussi tous les jeunes de l’année qui étaient déjà nés. Nos comptages et le nombre de cadavre recensés durant la mission de juillet ont été transmis à la réserve et aux autorités compétentes.


Wildlife monitoring in Naryn State Nature Reserve - Kyrgyzstan - July - August 2021
Report Naryn 2021


Wildlife monitoring in Sarychat-Ertash State Nature Reserve - Kyrgyzstan - July 2019
Report Sarychat - July 2019
Wildlife monitoring in Naryn State Nature Reserve - Kyrgyzstan - July/August 2019
Report Naryn - July/August 2019
Wildlife monitoring in Shamshy and Chon Jarguilchak valleys - Kyrgyzstan - 2019-2020
Report Shamshy - Chon Jarguilchak - 2019-2020
Wildlife monitoring in Bek-tosot and Min-teke Community-based conservancies - Kyrgyzstan Chon Alaï - June 2019
Report Pamirs AlaÏ 2019

Wildlife monitoring in Langtang National Park – Nepal 2018/2019

Report Langtang - Nepal 2019


Wildlife monitoring in Naryn State Reserve - Kyrgyzstan, August 2018
Report Naryn 2018
Wildlife monitoring in Sarychat-Ertash State Nature Reserve and Jangart valley - Kyrgyzstan, July and August 2018
Report Sarychat-Ertash 2018


Wildlife monitoring in Naryn State Reserve - Kyrgyzstan, July to September 2017
Report Naryn 2017
Wildlife monitoring in Sarychat-Ertash Nature State Reserve - Kyrgyzstan, June to August 2017
Report Sarychat-Ertash 2017


Wildlife monitoring in Naryn State Reserve - Kyrgyzstan, June to October 2016
Report Naryn 2016

Photos / Vidéos

Guide ornithologique Sarychat-Ertash

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